Daniel Hritzkiv is a Toronto-based web-centric designer and developer.

Daniel’s approach to design stems from his love affair with the web. Its rapidly evolving nature, as well as its ubiquity make it one of the best platforms to target for. Daniel’s goal is making web content more impactful and coherent through good design, and quality execution.
Daniel specializes in designing interfaces for web and mobile, focusing on user experience by taking each platform’s unique traits into consideration. He places emphasis on speed and simplicity, with the belief that they are the essence of effective responsive design.
Developing for the web, Daniel’s integral skill set includes an in depth understanding of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. To compliment his front-end development abilities, Daniel has experience developing sites and apps server-side, using Node.js as his platform of choice.
In addition, Daniel also develops branding and visual identities, and offers print design services to compliment.
Daniel happens to work in the downtown Toronto area, quickly getting around on his trusty 1980s Norco Monterrey. He loves the city for its food, music, eclectic culture, and creative tech industry, the latter of which he is proud to play a part in.
Whether you’re looking to create a simple website, or build a larger scale app, Daniel would love to play a part in your project.